Soothing Touch Academy
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Soothing Touch Academy Appeals Procedure
Responsibility of the learner
In the event of a learner wishing to pursue an Appeal against ITEC assessment decisions for theory, practical and case studies, the learner should take the following action:
1. The learner must submit their appeal in writing to the Academy Head Office for the attention of the appeals department within 7 working days of receipt of the ITEC examination results.
2. Supporting evidence from the appropriate lecturers / external agencies must be provided at the same time as the appeal.
3. The learner must also enclose the appropriate fee in order for the Academy to contact ITEC and action the appeals procedure.
Responsibility of the Academy
1. The Academy will appeal in writing to the ITEC Head Office on behalf of the candidate within 5 working days of receiving the appeal from the candidate.
2. The Academy will verify / add any further evidence gathered from the appropriate lecturers / external agencies identified by the candidate.
3. The appropriate fee will be forwarded to ITEC Head Office.
4. Reply to the learner in writing regarding the decision made by ITEC within 10 working days of receipt of the decision from ITEC.
5. Refund any fees to the learner returned by ITEC if the appeal is upheld.