Soothing Touch Academy
Contact Us: 07979 854 450
Cranio Sacral Therapy
Cranio Sacral Therapy
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle form of treatment which can help people to deal with many conditions, from minor aches and pains to more persistent chronic health problems.
The client lays on a treatment couch whilst the practitioner lays their hands lightly on the client in order to identify areas of restriction or tension which may be caused by injury, infection or other diseases and releasing these blockages at a very deep level, thus restoring normal function to the affected part of the body and improving the vitality of the body.
Problems are traced back to their source, eradicating conditions at their roots which may be on a physical, mental or emotional level. This enables the body and mind to become more integrated enabling a more balanced and healthy state.
This treatment can be given to babies, pregnant mothers, couples trying to conceive, children, adults and the elderly.
Regular weekly sessions of 60 or 90 minutes at one of our clinics in West London is advisable to get maximum benefit.
We may be able to offer this treatment in your workplace. Please contact us on 07979 854 450 for further information.
Pregnant Women
Pregnant women can benefit from receiving this treatment as it can help to reduce back pain and calm the baby whilst in the womb. It may help to turn babies that are breach before the due date and get the womb and pelvic area ready for a natural delivery without being induced.
In babies this treatment can help with a variety of conditions. including:
regurgitation, restlessness, irritability, over activity, poor sleep, excessive crying, screaming, nose or throat problems, colic, forceful thumb sucking, digestive disturbances, torticollis and other neck problems, spinal twists, squint, shock from caesarean / forceps / ventouse delivery, compression of the skull, meningitis, asthma and other breathing problems, ear infections, glue ear, head banging and tonsilitis.
It is useful to have a couple of treatments as soon as possible after the birth to deal with any birth trauma.
In adults, this form of therapy helps with a wide range of problems, including:
headaches or migraine, period pains, dental or TMJ problems. obsessional behaviour, cystitis, frozen shoulder, bronchitis, post viral syndrome, arthritis, sciatica, sprained ankle, joint disorders, neck pain, digestive problems, spinal curvatures, back pain, dyslexia, asthma, persistent pain anywhere in the body, tension, anxiety, insomnia, visual disturbances, compression of the skull due to a difficult birth, squint, sinusitis, head injuries and their subtle influence on personality and mental state, lazy eye, RSI, learning difficulties, whiplash injuries, lack of energy, glandular fever, problems during and after pregnancy, depression, post-operative effects, fatigue, adhesions, behavioural disorders, tantrums, meningitis and ME.
This treatment may also help to deal with the grief process after bereavement and to deal with the after-effects of miscarriages and abortions.
Treatments in our Twickenham & Feltham Clinics |
60 minutes |
90 minutes |
120 minutes |
Cranio Sacral Therapy |
£80 |
£130 |
£180 |
Cranio Sacral Therapy in your Home |
£100 |
£150 |
£200 |
If you are interested in arranging and booking a session/course of therapy treatment please use our Therapies Contact Form